Users can access their purchases from PROEDU.com using mobile applications through phones and tablets.
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Are There Apps For Mobile Devices?
PRO EDU offers apps on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. These apps are provided for free to all users.
Can I Access Purchases & Downloads From My Tablet?
Purchases of products can be accomplished at www.PROEDU.com. After purchase, all courses and products purchased from PRO EDU will be available on mobile apps or via the internet streaming site found at learn.proedu.com.
Can I Use The Downloads On My Mobile Device?
The majority of the courses from PRO EDU include downloads, which are images to be used for practicing the techniques, actions and other photoshop tools, and general helpful items. These are delivered in compressed files using the .zip format, meaning the device the items are to be downloaded to needs to have the ability to unzip the files and the proper programs to use the materials included within. Files can be downloaded to a PC or Mac, unzipped, and moved to a tablet as well. Please keep in mind the application to access the files must still be on the tablet in order to practice the techniques.
Where I Download The Mobile Apps?
Download The App From iTunes: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pro-edu/id943409258
Google & Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.proedu&hl=en_US