Installing the NBP FreqSep Control Plugin is fairly simple and straightforward. Following the steps below will give users the best experience.
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NBP Plugin FreqSep CTRL
How Do I Install The FreqSep CTRL Plugin?
Installing the plugins is a fairly simple process. Once the plugins are downloaded, navigate to the computer's download folder/download location.
Inside the download section, look for the folder titled FreqSep Control.
Select the Freqsep Control Installer for the operating system being used, FreqSep Control - macOS Installer.dmg for Apple Products, and FreqSep Control - Windows Installer.exe for Microsoft.
Double-clicked on the appropriate file, and an action bar starts initiating. The following screen will appear (Apple):
macOS may ask about installing something downloaded from the internet, click "Open".
Next, the following pop-up appears, select "Run".
The system will require your administrator password. Once entered, a "installed successfully" prompt will be given.
At this point, the FreqSep Control panel is installed. Open the current version of Adobe Photoshop, and navigate to "Window" > "Extensions" > "NBP FreqSep Control". Clicking on this will open the FreSep Control panel under Photoshop panels on the right of the Photoshop workspace (default).