Entering discount codes for daily deal purchases. Please keep in mind only one coupon/discount code can be used on each purchase.
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Where Can I Enter My Discount Code On A Daily Deal Purchase?
Daily Deals offers appear when certain items are added to the cart, and the user clicks on checkout.
Claim The Offer
After checkout is clicked and the deal appears, claim the deal, navigate to "Apply Additional Discount Codes Here" and type in the discount code in the box provided. Click "Complete the Purchase." Please keep in mind that if the discount code is not entered into this box users will not be offered an additional location for the code. Exiting the checkout screen, hitting the back button on the internet browser, and clicking checkout again will allow the user to enter the code again.
Where Can I Enter My Discount Code On Normal Purchases?
If the Daily Deal offer is skipped, discount codes can still be applied. The initial process is the same. An item is added to the cart and the checkout button is clicked by the user.
If the user does not accept the Daily Deal offer, users still have an opportunity to enter a discount code on the following screen. Click "Skip and Continue to Checkout", enter all required information, and enter the discount code in the space provided.